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Poslední komentář: pred 7 rokmi od uživatele Wojciech Pędzich v tématu „Wikimania 2017 scholarship programme

je potrebné upraviť kategóriu austrálčan > austrálčania

  • Prosim niekoho aby sa pozrel na design a zarovnal jednotlive casti, dnes sa s tym uz nepohram. Dik. --Neuromancer 21:10, 23 december 2005 (UTC)
    • No tak dik, uz som si to spravil aj sam. :) --Neuromancer 21:36, 28 december 2005 (UTC)
  • nebolo by uhladnejsie keby kategorie narodnosti boli po tri v riadku? proste aby nebolo, ze v jednom riadku je vlajocka a v druhom narodnost ktora k jen patri --KOR 15:45, 16 máj 2006 (UTC)
záleží od monitora - ja to mam ešte všetko v jednom riadku. možno napad s tými vlajočkami bola blbosť. ktovie. ak to bude neprehladne tak to zrušíme. zatial to aspoň budí dobrý dojem (aspon trochu pestrosti to hlavnej stranke dava).--ham 21:06, 16 máj 2006 (UTC)
blbost to podla mna neni, vyzera to velmi dobre... asi mas potom mensie rozlisenie monitora ked to vidis dobre, mozno by to spravilo, keby sa dal tag br nielen za kazde pismeno (kde je teraz) ale aj za kazde tri narodnosti --KOR 06:14, 17 máj 2006 (UTC)
- ak si mysliš, urob to. ak to bude blbosť - ver tomu že ťa upozorníme ;-) Ono to podľa mňa (a aby som spojil aj tvoju ideu) by bolo najlepšie aby tie vlajocky boli pod sebou a nazvy tiez. cize si to viem celkom dobre predstavit aby tam bola tabulka ktora ma 6 stlpcov (vlajocka, nazov, vlajocka, nazov, vlajocka, nazov) aby to bolo trochu pekne upravene, lebo ak by to nebolo v tabulke tak druha a tretia vlajka bude nam utekat (bude rozne ulozena) a potom to bude na kazdom monitore v pohode. Mozno by sa do toho mohol pustit Neuro on tomu asi z nas najlepsie rozumie (nieco som uz aj ja skusal ale tabulky mi velmi nejdu). (PS: nehovorim ze mam super monitor ale mam ho dobry... :-)--ham 06:55, 17 máj 2006 (UTC)
dufam, že by to takto mohlo byť, lepšie to neviem. už len čakám na Neura kedy zmeni pozadie na normalnu farbu aby nebola biela.čau--ham 13:13, 17 máj 2006 (UTC)
vyzera dobre... naozaj uz len tu farbu, a na monitor som nemyslel zly ze mas ale mensi :) (a p.s. blahozelam k 2k clankom, dobra robota)--KOR 14:42, 17 máj 2006 (UTC)



Hi, on your main page, on the left side there is no Bosnian link. Could you change that. Thank you.

sorry, now is correct (+ bs. link)

Odstránenie Top 10


Navrhujem odstránit Top 10, lebo je to a) dĺho neaktualizované (a těžko to bude kto aktualizovat) b) pre návštevníka irelevantne a vôči slovenským Wikicitátom tiež.

Danny B. 11:12, 25. september 2012 (UTC)Odpovědět

Pokojne to daj preč. Vasiľ (diskusia) 13:16, 26. september 2012 (UTC)Odpovědět

Wikimania 2015 scholarships


Dear Wikimedians,

Wikimedia Polska Association will fund up to two international scholarships to this year's Wikimania conference, to take place in Mexico City, on July 15-19, 2015, covering air fare, conference fee, accomodation and insurance. See here for information on how to apply for the scholarship, what the requirements are and how to contact us. Feel free to distribute this message to any relevant Wiki pages and mailing lists. On behalf of the WIkimedia Polska Scholarship Commitee, Wpedzich (diskusia) 20:34, 24. február 2015 (UTC)Odpovědět

Wikimania 2015 additional scholarships

Dear Wikimedians, Wikimedia Polska Association has made a decision to fund two more scholarships for this year’s Wikimania, to be hosted in Mexico City 15-19 July 2015, due to some candidates withdrawing from our programme. The procedure is identical to the one described here, so if you have not applied, but meet the criteria and would like to attend Wikimedia’s biggest international event, please submit your application until April 23, midnight. Kind regards, Tufor (diskusia) 10:51, 19. apríl 2015 (UTC)Odpovědět

Wikimania 2016 scholarships


Dear Wikimedians,

As every year, Wikimedia Polska Association is accepting scholarship requests for this year’s Wikimania, to be held at the Italian town of Esino Lario, June 22-28. The scholarship encompasses travel expenses, accomodation, insurance and the possible conference fee. Please submit your requests by email to from March 14, 00:00:01 (CET) by March 27, 23:59:59 (CET). Up to two international scholarships will be funded. The scholarship request, submitted in English or Polish, ought to contain:

  • short description of your activity within the Wikimedia movement, your real name, your global username or local usernames, Wikimedia activity outside project editing (including local chapter activity), prior input into the Wikimedia conferences, especially international ones;
  • information about your desired participation in the conference: planned or submitted lectures or other activities during Wikimania or its associated events;
  • information about your forecast activity in pre- and post-conference activities, with the justification for participating in these non-core conference activities;
  • declaration of your command of English sufficient to actively participate in the conference;
  • information about the international airport closest to your place of residence;
  • declaration of being 18 years or older; in case of younger applicants, 16-18, a scan of a parent’s or legal guardian’s consent to the participation in the conference;
  • the information on citizenship(s) held;
  • agreement to provide and process your personal data (name, address, bank account details, passport number) if the scholarship is granted. Please, do not provide these personal details in the application itself, apart from your real name.

On the behalf of the Scholarship Commitee, Wpedzich (diskusia) 20:36, 13. marec 2016 (UTC)Odpovědět

Wikimania 2017 scholarship programme


Following the tradition of previous years, Wikimedia Polska Association has launched the ’’’Wikimania 2017’’’ scholarship programme. One international scholarship will be awarded this year, for the conference which will take place in Montreal, Canada, August 9-13. If you meet the requirements described in the ruleset, you may submit your application by April 7, 2017 to the email address provided in the ruleset. With kind regards, Wojciech Pędzich (diskusia) 18:10, 21. marec 2017 (UTC)Odpovědět